Your pets are special. Why not give them customized care?

As a pet owner, you want your pet to receive the highest-quality veterinary care.

You want them to have treatment as sophisticated and compassionate as you might receive yourself. You’re not alone. Today’s veterinarians realize that pet owners are very knowledgeable, and expect a more advanced level of care.

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Compounding enables prescribers and pharmacists to meet the special needs of patients. One of its most important benefits is to those patients who have difficulties with commercially available medication. With the prescriber’s consent, pharmacists can custom-prepare medications in a variety of unique dosage forms, including.

The growing drug shortage problem is impacting a range of patient conditions and issues from oral antibiotics that allow pediatric and elderly patients unable to swallow pills to take their medicine, to treatments for leukemia and chemotherapy, to name just a few. Recently, the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) named over 200 medicines on its drug shortage list.

Compounding pharmacists assist patients with many different needs. Choose one of the Specialty Compounding categories below to learn more.

Do you have questions about pharmacy compounding?
We have answers.

Pharmacy compounding is a long-established tradition that offers customized care to meet the specific needs of individual patients.

Have you ever wished your child’s medicine tasted better, so they would accept it without a fuss? Or struggled to cut a prescription tablet in half because the pill wasn’t manufactured in the strength you required? Perhaps an ill loved one could have benefited from having multiple medications combined into a single dose. Compounding pharmacists provide solutions to all these problems, and more.

Ask your prescriber or pharmacist today about customized compounding, or read on for more information…